Meredith Berg Photography

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Summer Solstice Flyball Tournament

Flyball is quickly becoming my favorite dog sport! I love the team aspect of flyball as well as all the different kinds of dogs that participate. If you haven’t seen any flyball yet, check out this video from the tournament!

The Summer Solstice Tournament was held at the State Fairgrounds in Palmer and it was so awesome! I loved being outside and getting to enjoy the gorgeous (although really warm) weather for four days. The natural lighting was perfect and I was excited to get to learn more and more about flyball. I came a little more prepared to this tournament with my computer so that I could (hopefully) expedite the editing process a bit. While I was looking through photos on the first day, I had one of the handlers come chat with me and take a look at the photos that I had gotten that day. I asked her if there was anything in particular that people would want captured of themselves and their dogs. She told me that capturing that bond between dog and handler was huge. Of course the awesome shots of the dogs jumping over hurdles but capturing that relationship was something that people would enjoy seeing. That was a huge lightbulb moment for me. That’s what I try to capture during my private sessions so why not during flyball too? That conversation changed how I shot the Summer Solstice Tournament and I will have to keep it in my mind for next years tournament! 

If you’re in the Anchorage area and you’re interested in flyball, check out these three flyball groups to get involved with!

Alaska Dog’s Gone Wild



Glacier Shakers


Pawsitive Synergy


Check out some of my favorite photos from the Summer Solstice Tournament!

are you ready to make your pup’s memories last a lifetime?