Anchorage Alaska Pet Photographer
Meredith Berg Photography Anchorage Alaska Dog Pet Photographer alaska-a-107.jpg

Hey there!

I'm Meredith Berg and I am a dog photographer.

Dog years are fleeting. At Meredith Berg Photography, I provide my clients with beautiful portraiture of their beloved pets for them to display for years to come.

Each session is crafted around you and your pet's comfort level and interests. Love to climb mountains? Let's go tackle one! Love to play fetch? Let's go to the park and play! Love to hunt? Let's go! My goal is to create images that are truly representative of your best friend and your Alaskan lifestyle together. 

Dogs are my passion. I want to share that passion for dogs and my knowledge of photography with my clients. 

I would love to work with you! Click below to learn about investing in your best friend or contact me.  See you soon!

Meredith Berg Photography Anchorage Alaska Dog Pet Photographer claire-diana-photography-712.jpg
Meredith Berg Photography Anchorage Alaska Dog Pet Photographer IMG_3581.jpg
Meredith Berg Photography Anchorage Alaska Dog Pet Photographer IMG_04812.jpg

More fun facts about me!

I have been married to the most amazing man since June of 2017. He is my best friend and adventure buddy and I wouldn’t have been able to pursue my passion for dog photography without his love and support.

I would definitely describe myself as a nerd. I love all things Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. One of the biggest reasons I want to travel too New Zealand is to stay in a Hobbit Hole. Wouldn’t that be amazing?!?!

I was born and raised in Georgia, but Anchorage is home now. My mom and I traveled up to Alaska for the Iditarod in 2014 and I was hooked on the Alaska life. I moved up here in 2015 and have been loving it ever since!

My faith is at the center of my life. I believe that we have a God who sacrificed His only Son so that He could have an everlasting relationship with His people. I’m definitely not perfect, but I hope to share the love of Jesus through everything that I do. 

I get this question a lot, so I’ll go ahead and answer it here: no, my husband and I don’t have a dog...yet. I know, it’s the saddest thing ever and as soon as we buy a house, getting a pup is the #1 thing on my to-do list!

Fishing had never really been something I thought I’d enjoy, until I moved to Alaska. Halibut fishing is my favorite! And as you can see by the bottom photo, I OBVIOUSLY catch bigger fish than my husband. ;)