2020 Calendar
Well hello 2020! I can’t believe it’s already the New Year and I’m starting on my third year of business at Meredith Berg Photography! That blows my mind. This last year has been an incredible year of growth and stepping out in faith for me. One of the biggest leaps of faith for me was this calendar. In February of 2019, I opened up a calendar competition where the top 13 winners would be in my 2020 calendar. Entrants got into the contest with a $5 donation to Alaska Dog and Puppy Rescue and each vote was a $1 donation after that. I held special days where you would get bonus votes if you donated a certain amount of money.
The contest was a huge success and raised over $7,000 for Alaska Dog and Puppy Rescue! I was totally blown away by the response. I had set a goal for the contest at $5,000 and thought that was a lofty goal, but the Anchorage community totally blew that goal out of the water!
I wanted to honor the top 13 winners (17 pups in all!) with a blog post that introduced them and the month that they are for 2020! So without any further ado, here are the faces of 2020!
If you haven’t gotten your 2020 Alaska Dog Calendar yet, online sales through my website will be open until January 29th, 2020. If you’d like to purchase yours through a local retailer, AK Bark is selling the 2020 Alaska Dog Calendar through February!