Aspen and Murphy
Oh my goodness, have you ever seen a more gorgeous family or a more gorgeous fall day?? Aspen and Murphy are both young Golden Retrievers that are a rusty red color. I love how Goldens can come in so many different colors and these two are beautiful! Aspen is Miranda and Andrew’s first pup. They absolutely fell in love with her when they went out to Wasilla to meet a little of golden puppies. Aspen snuggled right up to Miranda and Andrew and that was it: Aspen was theirs! When Aspen was two, they heard that the kennel was having another litter and since they loved Aspen’s personality so much they decided to get another puppy, and along came Murphy!
These four were so much fun to hike around Flat Top with and photograph! Aspen and Murphy have their own Instagram (@aspenandmurphytakeonak) so these two are used to having their picture taken which made my job a breeze! One of the first shots we got is the one I used for their month in the 2020 Alaska Dog Calendar so the rest of the session we just enjoyed paying around!
The running photos are some of my favorites! I love how happy they both look with their tongues lolling out as they’re racing for the tennis ball! Thank you Miranda and Andrew for sharing your photogenic pups with me and for spending the morning hiking around Flat Top!