Gizmo is a 7 year old Shitzu. I met Gizmo and his parents through a model call I did over the summer to test out new photoshoot locations. We decided on Thunderbird Falls for this cute little pup!
Gizmo absolutely loved getting to romp around on the trail and check out the falls. There was one picture that I wanted with Gizmo by a particular tree and his parents told him a squirrel was up that tree. Boy, did that fire him up! He would not leave that tree until he found the squirrel! We had to coax him away with treats but finally got his attention onto something else.
Gizmo was such a good little model and did so well with the noise of the waterfall and all the people that also ended up being on the trail that day. Thank you so much May and Kenny for sharing your afternoon with me and taking the time to photograph your Gizmo!