Stallone and Sheena
This shoot at Kincaid Beach was an absolute blast! I met Sabrina through our church’s youth camps which her daughters attend. Sabrina was on my photography team and we of course bonded over our mutual love of dogs. She sent me pictures of Sheena and Stallone and I knew I just HAD to meet them! I am so glad that we decided on the beach at Kincaid, it’s such a great spot for action photos with the sand flying everywhere! We started our session with some action shots and I am really thankful that Sabrina thought ahead to bring wipes to get some of the sand off Sheena and Stallone.
Sabrina brought two of her daughters along to our session to help wrangle the pups and to be in some of the photos. Guys. These ladies are natural models! I was blown away by their comfort in front of the camera. We were constantly laughing at Stallone’s goofy puppyness and his obsession with his chuck it ball. Sheena is an amazing athlete and I was stoked to have such a great model for action shots. It was really clear that all three of the ladies have such strong connections with both Sheena and Stallone. It was so much fun to capture that relationship. Thank you so much Sabrina, Kysa and Darrah for spending the evening with me at the beach! I hope you all had as much fun as I did!
Update: Unfortunately, Stallone passed away from kidney failure in October 2019. I am heartbroken for Sabrina, I know how much she loves Stallone. My thoughts and prayers are with you Sabrina. I’m so thankful we had the chance to capture Stallone and his goofy antics this summer. <3